EuroMillions Plus: (16) (19) (29) (47) (50)
Joker: 9 751 625
There were three tickets that matched all five main numbers and one of the Lucky Stars to win a second tier prize worth £379,639 (€530,046) each, so the trio of players concerned will be very glad that they chose to get involved. Another five tickets matched the five main numbers only to win £75,927 (€106,009) each. A fourth tier prize of £4,038 (€5,638) went to each of 47 tickets that matched four main numbers and both Lucky Stars, and the total number of prizes won in last night’s game was 2,375,227. You can view a complete breakdown of the prizes landed by visiting the EuroMillions Results page at
There was no ticket able to match all five of the numbers drawn in the EuroMillions Plus game, so no Irish Lottery player succeeded in winning the best possible prize of €500,000. A second tier prize of €2,000 was won by 50 tickets which managed to match four of the numbers, and a third tier prize of €20 each consoled the owners of 2,025 tickets that matched three numbers.
The EuroJackpot results last night were 06, 21, 33, 37 and 47, and the Euro numbers were 07 and 08. No ticket matched all of those numbers, and so no ticket won the €10 million jackpot that was on offer. Three tickets matched all five main numbers and one of the Euro numbers to secure a second tier prize worth €493,290 each, and four tickets won €27,013 each by matching five main numbers only. More than 387,000 tickets won prizes at the lower levels, and the jackpot in the next game will be worth an estimated €12 million.
Written by Lottie McDonald