Peter Dunne, Minister of Internal Affairs, announced the appointment of Burrill and Wehipeihana-Wilson in a press release held yesterday. Burrill, who has worked previously as a councillor and has been an active member of the board since 2011, will serve a second three year term and Wehipeihana-Wilson has been appointed for a further two years.
While explaining why the two women had been reappointed, Dunne said; “The two appointees bring knowledge, experience and community connections, and will ensure the board continues to be well-placed to do its work.”
Established under the 2003 Gambling Act, the Lottery Grants Board oversees the distribution of profits gained from New Zealand lotteries, such as Lotto, Lotto Strike, Instant Kiwi and Keno; the profits from these games are channelled back into the New Zealand Lotteries Fund.
The New Zealand Lotteries Fund helps support various initiatives across the country, similar to how the Good Causes Fund works in the UK. Every year, the New Zealand Lotteries Fund allocates at least 42% of profits to three statutory bodies; Sport and Creative and Film with the remaining profits shared between Specialist and Community Committees. In the last financial year, over NZD$200 million was distributed amongst worthy causes across New Zealand.
Hopefully the reappointment of trusted members Burrill and Wehipeihana-Wilson will ensure the continued success of New Zealand’s Lotteries Fund.
Written by Grace Mee